Events - Rental
You don't have to rush to the printing house! The content of the displays can be changed at the last minute before the event or even during the event
Our devices can be rented, you don't have to invest in digital displays, we also create the graphical content as well!
The program of the event and the list of exhibitors can be attractively presented
With the help of a digital map we make it easy to find your way among the many exhibitors
The digital displays attract visitors to the booth
Collecting newsletter subscribers with the help of digital games
System operation
Technical support
Graphic design support
Customized development
Statistics & questionnaire
Map/way finding
Advertising platforms
Sensor applications
QR, RFID, camera, printing
Interactive games
E-shop integration
Mobile application
VR/AR developments
Queue management
Further Services
Totem column, kiosk and displays for rent
Exhibition map with wayfinding
Exciting AR/VR developments
Interactive games: memory, wheel of fortune
Immediate contant creation
Online questionnaires
Possibilities, examples for assembling products.
Based on your needs we propose a personalized offer.