Healthcare - Medimonitor
Queue management system improves operational efficiency and patient service quality
Patient management, digital 3D map helps patient navigation within the hospital
Contactless patient information system, educational short films
Scrolling text bar at the bottom of the display: public health, institutional, local government news
Providing up-to-date information on medicines and therapies
Opportunity to educate and train employees
Disinfectable surfaces
Advertising healthcare services, laboratory tests, OTC products, additional source of revenue for the institution
Mobile app integration to the HIS
System operation
Technical support
Graphic design support
Customized developmen
Statistics & questionnaires
Map/way finding
Advertising platforms
Sensor applications
QR, RFID, camera, printing
Interactive games
E-shop integration
Mobile application
VR/AR developments
Queue management
Further Services
Body temperature camera
Payment terminal
Queue managmenet system
Patient identification & information system
3D wayfinding patient management system
Digital satisfaction questionnaires
Possibilities, examples for assembling products.
Based on your needs we propose a personalized offer.